Andrea Babon




Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Human Security and Social Change

La Trobe University

FEBRUARY 2017 - MARCH 2019

Managed the first phase of a 4-year, $5 million contract for La Trobe University to provide research, knowledge and learning support to the Papua New Guinea – Australia Governance Partnership (a partnership between the governments of Australia and PNG). Managed a team of 5 people in Australia and PNG, functioned as a knowledge broker, and designed, undertook and quality assured applied and participatory action research. Built stakeholder relationships and provided strategic advice on how to manage research projects in a highly political and rapidly changing context. Built PNG Knowledge ‘Hub’ website to improve access to relevant knowledge on governance and development in PNG.   


PNG Country Case Leader, Global Comparative Study on REDD

Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) – Indonesia

September 2010 - OCTOBER 2014

Led the Papua New Guinea country case study as part of a Global Comparative Study on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) undertaken by the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) based in Indonesia. Managed a small team of Australian and PNG research assistants to undertake applied research and published an occasional paper, working paper, and policy brief on REDD+ in Papua New Guinea.


Climate Change Response Advisor

World Vision

March 2008 - April 2008

Provided research and policy advice on climate change response, including climate change adaptation and mitigation with a focus on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+). Wrote a plain language guide on climate change response for country program managers and conducted feasibility studies and designed a number of ‘Climate and Poverty Reduction’ projects focusing on agriculture, forestry, and other land uses.


Acting Project Manager, Werribee Plains Sustainability Framework 

Australian Conservation Foundation 

March 2007 - October 2007

Undertook applied research and managed the development of a regional sustainability framework for the Werribee Plains region, funded by the Department of Environment and Sustainability.


Previous positions

Program Advisor, Asia Pacific Program
Australian Conservation Foundation
(July 2005 - March 2007)

Research Assistant

RMIT University
(September 2004 - June 2005)

Policy Officer
Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries
(December 2003 - June 2004)

Policy Officer, Community Forestry Programme
Concern Worldwide - Cambodia
August 2002 - July 2003

Policy Officer
Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment 
March 2001 - May 2002





Evaluation of Epping Community Services Hub

City of Whittlesea

November - December 2019

Conducted a program evaluation of an integrated community services hub in Epping, Victoria, implemented by the Brotherhood of St Laurence and funded by the City of Whittlesea.


Evaluating Place Based Approaches: Issues and Options

City of Whittlesea

May - June 2019

Undertook an organisational needs assessment and literature review of approaches to evaluating Place-Based Approaches to advise the City of Whittlesea. 


Project Evaluation

Australian Conservation Foundation 

August 2007 - October 2007

Conducted an evaluation of ACF’s Asia-Pacific Program funded through AusAID’s Australian-NGO Cooperation Program. 


Project Evaluation

Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights, Papua New Guinea

June - August 2004

Conducted an annual evaluation of CELCOR’s advocacy campaigns funded by the Dutch Inter-Church Council (ICCO). 





Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Policy and Governance)

Charles Darwin University  

Completed 2015


Master of Social Science (International Development)

RMIT University

Completed 2005


Bachelor of Science (Geography and Environmental Studies)

University of Melbourne

Completed 1997



University Tutoring


Tutor, Social Research Methods

University of Melbourne


Tutored Masters students in Social Research Methods within the Masters of Environment program


Senior Tutor, Sustainable Development

University of Melbourne 

2015 - 2016

Tutored third year students in the critical geography subject, Sustainable Development


Tutor, Introduction to Climate Change

University of Melbourne


Tutored first year students undertaking the multi-disciplinary course ‘Introduction to Climate Change’.



Peer-reviewed journal articles


Korhonen-Kurki, K., Brockhaus, M., Sehring, J., diGregorio, M., Assembe-Mvondo, S., Babon, A., … (2019). What drives policy change for REDD+? A qualitative comparative analysis of the interplay between institutional and policy arena factors. Climate Policy. Vol. 19, Iss. 3. Pp. 315-328


Brockhaus, M., K. Korhonen-Kurki, J.Sehring and M. Di Gregorio, with S. Assembe-Mvondo, A. Babon,… (2017). REDD+, transformational change and the promise of performance-based payments: A qualitative comparative analysis. Climate Policy. Vol. 17, Iss. 6. Pp. 708-730.


Cook, B. and Babon, A. (2016) Active learning through online quizzes: better learning and less (busy) work. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. Vol. 47, Iss. 1. Pp. 24-38

Korhonen-Kurki, K., Brockhaus, M., Maharani, C., Dwistario, B., Babon, A., Bushley, B., Gebara, M. F.,  Kengoum, F., Molieno, M., Pham, T.T., Rantala, S. (2015) Coordination and cross-sectoral integration in REDD+: Experiences from seven countries. Climate and Development. Vol. 8, Iss. 5. Pp.1-14.

Babon, A., D. McIntyre, G. Y. Gowae, C. Gallemore, R. Carmenta, M. Di Gregorio, and M. Brockhaus. 2014. Advocacy coalitions, REDD+, and forest governance in Papua New Guinea: how likely is transformational change? Ecology and Society 19(3): 16.

Larson, A. M., Brockhaus, M., Sunderlin, W. D., Duchelle, A., Babon, A., Dokken, T., . . . Huynh, T.-B. (2013). Land tenure and REDD+: The good, the bad and the ugly. Global Environmental Change, 23(3), 678-689.

Nelson, A., Babon, A., Berry, M. and Keith, N. (2008) Engagement, but for what kind of marriage?: community members and local planning authorities. Community Development Journal. Vol. 43, No. 1 (pp. 37-51).

Babon, A., and Gowae, G.Y. (2013). The context of REDD+ in Papua New Guinea: Drivers, agents and institutions. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Bogor, Indonesia. 


Peer-reviewed papers


Conference Presentations


Other publications & media articles


Brockhaus, M., K. Korhonen-Kurki, J.Sehring and M. Di Gregorio, with S. Assembe-Mvondo, A. Babon,… (2015). Policy progress with REDD+ and the promise of performance-based payments: A qualitative comparative analysis of 13 countries. CIFOR working paper No. 196. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Bogor, Indonesia.

Babon, A., and Gowae, G.Y. (2013). The context of REDD+ in Papua New Guinea: Drivers, agents and institutions. CIFOR Occasional Paper no. 89. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Bogor, Indonesia.

Babon, A., McIntyre, D. and Sofe, R. (2012) REDD+ Politics in the Media: A case study from Papua New Guinea. CIFOR Working Paper No. 97. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Bogor, Indonesia.

Babon, A. (2011) Snapshot of REDD in Papua New Guinea. CIFOR Infobrief No. 40 (August 2011). Center for International Forestry Research. Bogor, Indonesia.


Babon, A. (2017) Politics matter! Or why, after more than 10 years and US$45 million in donor funding, Papua New Guinea still hasn’t reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). Paper presented at the Australasian Aid Conference. Australian National University, Canberra. 15- 16 February 2017.

Babon, A. (2015) Our carbon, Their forest: the politics of reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in Papua New Guinea. Paper presented at the Australia and New Zealand Institute of Foresters Conference. Creswick, Victoria. 13-15 April 2015.

Babon, A. (2014) Access and agency in national REDD+ policy processes: The case of Papua New Guinea. Paper presented at the 2014 Norwich Conference on Earth Systems Governance. University of East Anglia, Norwich. 1-3 July 2014.

Babon, A. and Hurahura, F. (2011) Our carbon, their forest? Equity implications of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Papua New Guinea. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Society and Natural Resource Management (ISSRM). University of Malaysia Sabah, 13-17 June 2011.

Babon, A. (2010) Power, politics and participation in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD): A case study of Indonesia. Paper presented at the Democratizing Climate Governance conference. Australian National University, Canberra 15-16 July 2010.

Babon, A. (2005) Community Forestry as a mechanism for sustainable forest management and poverty alleviation: a case study from Cambodia. Paper published in the Proceedings of the Environmental Research Event, Hobart, December 2005.


Babon, A., Denney, L. (2018) The role of research and learning in adaptive programming. Dev Policy Blog.

Babon, A. (2013) What life can a resettled refugee expect in PNG? The Conversation. July 23 2013.

Babon, A., McIntyre, D. and Sofe, R. (2012) REDD+ Politics in the Media: A case study from Papua New Guinea. CIFOR Working Paper No. 97. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Bogor, Indonesia.

Babon, A. (2011) Snapshot of REDD in Papua New Guinea. CIFOR Infobrief No. 40 (August 2011). Center for International Forestry Research. Bogor, Indonesia.                             

Babon, A., Tan, L. (2006) Bulldozing progress: large-scale logging, human rights abuses and corruption in Papua New Guinea. Habitat Australia. 34 (4): 16-17.